“De Grote Vogelshow”

with Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Arthur Van de Velde, Bert Huyghe, Brecht Heytens, Carole Vanderlinden, Charles Degeyter, Dieter Durinck, Dittmar Viane, Dora Brams, Floris Van Look, Frederik Lizen, Gerard Herman, Hamer Kormeling, Joost Pauwaert, Joke Derycke, Joris De Rycke, John Van Oers, Justine Grillet, Karel Thienpont, Karl Philips, Kasper De Vos, Kim Wey, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn, Lien Buysens, Louise Delanghe, Marilou Dejans, Mariami Tsotadze, Mathias Mu, Max Dreezen, Matthieu Ronsse, Meriton Maloku, Natasja Mabesoone, Narcisse Tordoir, Rufus Michielsen, Ria Pacquee, Simon Verougstraete, Sofia Pashaei, Stijn Bastianen, Stijn Ter Braak, Sidney Aelbrechts, Tramaine De Senna, Tom Poelmans, Veronika Bezdenejnykh & Klaas Op De Beeck, Zoë Monsaert

March 10 - April 16, 2023

Just like an artist. A bird moves between heaven and earth. It is a symbol of freedom and an enlightened mind. The bird is traditionally a messenger and observes with keen eyes. In mythology, the phoenix represents an eternal cycle of life and death. In ancient Rome, the will of the gods could be read from the flight of birds. The raven was, according to the Koran, the first teacher of man and the canaries in the coal mine have already done many heroic deeds. In short, these winged creatures deserve a worthy place.

Installation Views


Related Artists

☞ Bert Huyghe
☞ Dieter Durinck
☞ Justine Grillet
☞ Kasper De Vos
☞ Leender Van Accoleyen
☞ Louise Delanghe 
☞ Mariami Tsotadze
☞ Meriton Maloku
☞ Narcisse Tordoir
☞ Rufus Michielsen 
☞ Veronika Bezdenejnykh 
Pizza Gallery (Antwerp)
Sint Janstraat 52
2140, Antwerp/Belgium
Saturday & Sunday
2 - 6 pm

All Rights Reserved. ©Pizza Gallery

Pizza Gallery (Ghent)
Walstraat 68
9050, Ghent/Belgium
on appointment

Founded by Robert Monchen
Tel + 32 478549984


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