Installation Views

Jonas Dehnen
“Pterion shelter, oder die dünnste Stelle des Schädels” (2023)

In this work Jonas Dehnen plays with the genre of the sculptural garden folly. A folly, in architecture, is a primarily decorative garden building, which through its appearance suggests a fictional history (for example a fake ruined castle or grotto). Dehnen's work can be read as a sculptural proposal for a dilettante park folly in the shape of a tin-foil hat, a homemade protective device, and a symbol of paranoia and conspiratorial thinking. It expands on the visual language of the artist’s paintings and drawings, which for several years have integrated themes such as the painterly landscape, maps of historical garden designs, automata, and hermitages. These undergo a subjective examination led by the (im-)possibilities and the ‘cultural memory’ of the material. The sculpture accompanies an artist’s book entitled ‘Fontanelle’, that features a series of drawings. The sculpture is partly made of the plates used to print the book.

Solo Louise Delanghe

read all about it here:

Related Artists

☞ Louise Delanghe
☞ Jonas Dehnen
Pizza Gallery (Antwerp)
Sint Janstraat 52
2140, Antwerp/Belgium
Saturday & Sunday
2 - 6 pm

All Rights Reserved. ©Pizza Gallery

Pizza Gallery (Ghent)
Walstraat 68
9050, Ghent/Belgium
on appointment

Founded by Robert Monchen
Tel + 32 478549984


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