Victoria Palacios
“L’odeur de la boue”

February 2  - March 10, 2024

The smell of mud, often referred to as « petrichor, » is a distinct earthy and pleasant scent that arises when rain falls on dry soil. This natural fragrance is caused by a combination of compounds released by soil-dwelling bacteria, organic matter, and oils. The phenomenon is particularly noticeable in regions where the soil contains certain types of bacteria or plant oils. Many people find the smell of mud after rain to be refreshing and nostalgic.

The term « petrichor » has its origins in Ancient Greek, deriving from the words petra (meaning stone) and ichor, a term used to refer to the blood of the gods in Greek mythology. However, contrary to this explanation, the scent we experience is not that of divine blood.

Instead, it is linked to an organic compound known as geosmine, literally translating to ‘earth-odor.’ According to Australian researchers Joy Bear and Richard Thomas, who published their findings in 1964 in the magazine Nature, this compound is emitted by plants during periods of drought to slow down their growth. When rain finally arrives, the scent of these substances is released, creating the unique aroma we associate with the smell of mud.

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☞ Victoria Palacios
Pizza Gallery (Antwerp)
Sint Janstraat 52
2140, Antwerp/Belgium
Saturday & Sunday
2 - 6 pm

All Rights Reserved. ©Pizza Gallery

Pizza Gallery (Ghent)
Walstraat 68
9050, Ghent/Belgium
on appointment

Founded by Robert Monchen
Tel + 32 478549984


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