Sarah Neutkens & Alexander Deprez
“Two boiled Eggs”

July 6 - July 28, 2024

Sarah, an autodidact in her artistic expressions, has a history of dissecting life to its core through her diverse talents. Her works range from contemporary classical music compositions to provocative literary pieces. Alexander, known for his unfiltered and voyeuristic glimpses into his personal life through photography, captures raw and intimate moments without reservation.

Throughout their stay, the gallery will transform into their studio and home, allowing the audience to witness their creative process and partake in the ongoing evolution of their new works. The highlight of this unique residency will be their wedding, symbolizing their commitment not only to each other but to their art.

"Two Boiled Eggs" promises to be a dynamic fusion of life, love, and art, providing a rare insight into the personal and creative lives of two contemporary artists.

Related Artists

☞ Sarah Neutkens 
☞ Alexander Deprez
Pizza Gallery (Antwerp)
Sint Janstraat 52
2140, Antwerp/Belgium
Saturday & Sunday
2 - 6 pm

All Rights Reserved. ©Pizza Gallery

Pizza Gallery (Ghent)
Walstraat 68
9050, Ghent/Belgium
on appointment

Founded by Robert Monchen
Tel + 32 478549984


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