Pizza Gallery

Sint Janstraat 52
Antwerpen, België
Saturday & Sunday
14.00 - 18.00



Upcoming exhibitions: 

Mariami Tsotadse 11/10-03/11

Bert Huyghe 

Past exhibitions (click):


Benjamin Verdonck 14/09-06/10

Artist Run Field School 17/08-01/09

Sarah Neutkens en Alexander Deprez
“Two boiled eggs”

'Paul Bleep Pépite Les Rocheuses. Cherche.’ with Rufus Michielsen

‘Bone of my wire, flesh of my plaster’
with Paquita Gallegos Farfán 16/05

“Scampi Gallery” with Julien Neirynck & Maya Mertens 26/04

“On the carpet telling travel stories” with Veronika Bezdenejnykh 16/03

“L’odeur de la boue” with Victoria Palacios 16/02

“Art Rotterdam” with Louise Delanghe & Jonas Dehnen


“The Intermediary” with Tom Hallet 

“Art Antwerp”

“Nostos” with Kasper De Vos

“Flute Interlude” with Dieter Durinck
(with live interventions by Gerard Herman & Ijf Boullet)

“Performance” Wendy & Fleur de Roeck

"Pterion shelter, oder die dünnste Stelle des Schädels", installation by Jonas Dehnen for Public Park

“Boulevard Angel” with Louise Delanghe

“All is full of love” with Michiel Ceulers

“De Grote Vogelshow” with Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Arthur Van de Velde, Bert Huyghe, Brecht Heytens, Carole Vanderlinden, Charles Degeyter, Dieter Durinck, Dittmar Viane, Dora Brams, Floris Van Look, Frederik Lizen, Gerard Herman, Hamer Kormeling, Joost Pauwaert, Joke Derycke, Joris De Rycke, John Van Oers, Justine Grillet, Karel Thienpont, Karl Philips, Kasper De Vos, Kim Wey, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Liesbeth Van Heuverswijn, Lien Buysens, Louise Delanghe, Marilou Dejans, Mariami Tsotadze, Mathias Mu, Max Dreezen, Matthieu Ronsse, Meriton Maloku, Natasja Mabesoone, Narcisse Tordoir, Rifus Michielsen, Ria Pacquee, Simon Verougstraete, Sofia Pashaei, Stijn Bastianen, Stijn Ter Braak, Sidney Aelbrechts, Tramaine De Senna, Tom Poelmans, Veronika Bezdenejnykh & Klaas Op De Beeck, Zoë Monsaert

“Art Rotterdam” with Jonas Dehnen & Leendert van Accoleyen (sculpture park)

“Slice Of Life” with Willem de Haan


“Morbid Angel” with Rufus Michielsen

“Freundschaftsinseln” with Jonas Dehnen

“Pizza Delivery” with Meriton Maloku

“Ring-a-ring-awiddershins” with Justine Grillet

“Toxic Sensitivity” with Bert Huyghe

“Nothing New Under The Sun” with Eva Donckers

“Pee-wee's Big Adventure“ with Veronika Bezdenejnykh, Fiona Mackay, Karel Thienpont, Dieter Ravyts, Julien Meert (curated by Michiel Ceulers)

“Character Mask” with Rufus Michielsen

“Voor Dragend En Niet Dragend Metselwerk” with Leendert van Accoleyen


“Velux Check-Mates” with Louise Delanghe

“Hope Marketing / Day Job Drawing” with Dieter Durinck

“Solo” with Brecht Heytens

“Pluto” with Anna Godzina

“Art & Craft 4-ever” with Maya Strobbe

“Turmoil” with Leon de Bruijne


Benjamin Verdonck 14/09-06/10
opening 14/09 14u-18u

Artist Run Field School 17/08-01/09 at MEER MEER


'Paul Bleep Pépite Les Rocheuses. Cherche.’ with Rufus Michielsen

‘Bone of my wire, flesh of my plaster’ with Paquita Gallegos Farfán
opening  16/05 t02/06

Scampi Gallery

26/04 opening dinner & dance
04/05 auction (email for available works)

“On the carpet telling travel stories” with Veronika Bezdenejnykh  16/03-07/04

Opening on 16/03 at 4pm - 9pm

“L’odeur de la boue”, with Victoria Palacios 

Find us on Art Antwerp

OPENING DAY | 11am – 9pm
Thursday 14 December 2023
Preview | 11am – 4pm
Vernissage | 4pm – 9pm

PUBLIC DAYS | 11am – 7pm
Friday 15 December 2023
Saturday 16 December 2023
Sunday 17 December 2023

“The Intermediary” by Tom Hallet

Phantasmal figures recline by a pond's edge, overlooking the water teeming with animals, fairies, humans, ghosts, and ghouls. Intrigued by movement beneath the surface, a sense of impending danger unfolds. Positioned above the viewer, these spectral beings, immune to drowning, wield power, their vulnerability elusive. As intermediaries, they beckon contemplation on positioning in a mythical world offering choices.

These beings, reminiscent of our queer ancestors, weave a lost tale buried in history's shadows. Forests, grown from their graves, birthed life, concealed in roots. Fresh water sprouted, quenching oblivious bystanders' thirst. An enigmatic narrative emerges, the drawings dictating roles, challenging binary norms.

Placing the visitor beneath the water implies danger, an inevitable death sentence willingly embraced in the enchanted gallery space. Alive thoughts pulsate more than those gazing upward. Transformative water, fluid and dynamic, births life while symbolizing offerings— hair, knives, teeth—a reflection in the water granting access to the antipode.

Tom Hallet's solo exhibition at Pizza gallery invites visitors into a crystalline pond, where naiads, fairies, ghosts, and demons converge on high banks to drink and cool off. Deviously locking eyes, these beings observe, morph, and shift, emitting warning signals. As guests, visitors are welcomed but remain untouched.

The exhibition invokes a sense of offerings, echoing through time, manifesting in sacrifices, imprints of our physical world. Through water's fluidity, the exhibition emphasizes transformation, evolution, and the delicate balance between the seen and the unseen.

24/11 till 17/12

© The Pizza Gallery